These travel drawings are a diary. They sometimes pull from a quick glance to a past reflection. In the beginning they were casual markings, but they became more intimate over time. It only required pencil, prisma color, pen, highlighter, a ruler, eraser, tape, and translucent paper. The ability to layer with just a few items felt like painting without the labor. This is just a small assortment of images, most of them were made while traveling from one place to the next.
A to B 3.8.2010 10:00am (Plane to Japan)
Tennis Anyone? 3.8.2010 10:20am (Plane to Japan)
Nice Try 4.30.2010 4:03pm (On a Plane Back from Amsterdam)
Fruits Are Good For You 4.9.2012 (Palm Springs)
It's Pretty Heavy 6.19.2013 (LAX to Dallas)
Sometimes the Best Intentions... 6.19.2013 (LAX to Dallas)
I Might Need Some Help Here 6.19.2013 (LAX to Dallas)
Just Watch Yourself 6.19.2013 (LAX to Dallas)
Can't Get the Song Out of My Head 9.3.2013 5:03pm (On Plane to Orlando)
Fred is Cool 9.3.2013 5:10pm (On Plane to Orlando)
You Can Keep It 9.25.2013 10:15pm (Plane to Kansas City)
It's Kinda a Thing 9.25.2013 10:35am (Plane to Kansas City)
I Don't Believe That Does Anything 9.26.2013 3:15pm (Kansas City to LAX)
Once a ____ Always a ____ . 12.18.2013 2:15pm (On a Flight from LAX to Nashville)
I'd Rather Not Speak of It 5.6.2014 8:23pm (Seattle to SNA)
Hagop 9.30.2014 8:10pm (Nashville to LAX)
DMV 9.30.2014 8:19pm (Nashville to LAX)
Goofy Sci-Fi 10.7.2014 12:52pm (LAX to Dallas)
Superhero 10.8.2014 6:02pm (Dallas to LAX)
Confrontation 10.23.14 2:15pm (LAX to Chicago)
Delay of the Inevitable 10.23.2014 2:20pm (LAX to Chicago)
Blue Note 10.23.2014 2:30pm (LAX to Chicago)